Building a Tiled Extension and Glazed Conservatory
A combined Tiled Extension plus Glazed Conservatory was discussed and designed in close liaison with our customers.
The tiled area to form a craft room with the added bonus of extending into the garden, whilst enjoying various hobbies. On appropriate occasions, the tiled extension could be quickly converted to a dining area, whilst again enjoying being out into the garden.
An adjoining Glazed Sun Room providing all of the special attractions such a structure offers.
A light bright family room set out into the garden. With the latest Heat Reflective Easi-Clean Glass in its roof and Thermally Efficient Low E’ Glazing throughout. This Sun Room was certainly not a basic conservatory that would only be used in the summer months.

On appropriate occasions, the two extensions to this home could be considered as one for larger family gatherings and furniture arranged appropriately within the tiled and glass roofs, depending on the best arrangements for those within.
This was another project which required careful planning and design considerations so that when complete it proved to be an overall extension to the home which fulfilled all of our customer’s wishes.
Contact David Fennings Conservatories today to discuss your new project or call 01258 459259