You may wish to extend your home providing special areas for the comfort and ease of use when a member of the family has special needs. This can also be achieved by changing walls within existing rooms, widening doorways, adjusting floor levels and providing an overall unobstructed area.

A garage conversion together with an adjacent room(s) can provide an economical way of achieving this. 

Many options can be considered but safety and ease of use must all be taken into account in accommodating the specific needs of a particular person. This generally means that the family will be very much involved in stating their requirements, albeit with guidance and construction ideas from ourselves.

The heights of electrical services control switches, taps and shelving, plus cupboards usually need to be individually designed.

You will also need to take into account, when these modifications may need to be restored if a home is to be redesigned for able bodied persons, should it be anticipated the property will be offered for sale and special needs changes are for a short period of time.

When grants or any other financial support is available, we will be pleased to provide detailed quotations which will enable you to achieve the very best overall package and sponsorship.

For projects such as these, we are usually requested to introduce large areas of glass providing good views into the garden together with wide openings achieved by generous width, French, patio or folding sliding doors.

Selecting the best floor finish is very important. Modern Karndean products offer an extremely wide range of attractive and particularly durable non-slip finishes. It is however, very important indeed that they are laid correctly onto an appropriately prepared surface. Top quality adhesives are essential, so that they remain securely attached to the floor beneath wheelchair useage or other special equipment.

There are of course always special challenges for those of limited mobility or impaired vision and we are equally pleased to share the challenges which you may wish to put before our company.